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Java Concurrency in Practice. Brian Goetz, David Holmes, Doug Lea, Joseph Bowbeer, Joshua Bloch, Tim Peierls
ISBN: 0321349601,9780321349606 | 384 pages | 10 Mb

Java Concurrency in Practice Brian Goetz, David Holmes, Doug Lea, Joseph Bowbeer, Joshua Bloch, Tim Peierls
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
NotifyAll() will trigger the event and wake up Thread A. Last week I presented my first Java Specialist Master Course (https://www.javaspecialists.eu/courses/master.jsp), so I would like to give some feedback on what happened. –[Java]Java読書会「Java Concurrency In Practice」. Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify). This book joins Effective Java and Hibernate in Action as a "two copy" Java book -- it's such a must-have book that I need one copy at home and one copy at the office. Wait and notify is an old mechanism but still a popular interview subject – avoid to use it in practice. Ľ为Escape, 类的成员变量理应不暴露给其他对象,但是却因为某些公有函数暴露出去了,这样就叫做Escape。 接下来列举一些例子: 1. This is one of those generic "looking for things to do" questions. Java読書会BOFによる「Java Concurrency In Practiceを読む会」の第3回が本日実施されました。 Java Concurrency in Practice. Description “I was fortunate indeed to have worked with a fantastic team on the design and implementation of the concurrency features added to the Java.
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